If Dangote asked you to bring a proposal that can turnYourbusinessOn, what would you do?

, by Laura Ikeji

If Dangote asked you to bring a
proposal that can
#TurnYourBusinessOn, what would
you do?
This is a sponsored post. Read below..
Okay, on a serious note, do you know that
you could #TurnYourBusinessOn with a
Samsung Digital Signage TV? The digital
#SSTV is what businesses that know
‘what’sup’ have been using to enhance
their customer’s in-store experience with
amusing and entertaining content. This
ultimately translates to more satisfied
customers and of course, more money in
the bank.
And you know the good part? This season,
Samsung wants to #TurnYourBusinessOn for
FREE. How? Go to www.turnyourbusinesson.ng
and nominate your business, or any other
deserving business you know to win a 40inch
brilliant #SSTV which combines Samsung's
world-class picture quality with commercial-
grade technologies. Just tell the world’s biggest
producer of consumer electronics why Samsung
needs to turn that business on, and, just like
that, a 40 inch Digital Signage TV could be theirs.
What are you waiting for?
Go to http://www.turnyourbusinesson.ng and
nominate that business now. Follow us on
Twitter@Samsung_Nigeria and