How to Unlock Android phone Pattern Lock Or Password

, by Laura Ikeji

Steps On How to Unlock Android
Pattern Lock Or Password

To get your pattern lock or password of your
android device unlocked please follow the
instructions well and am sure you will get
what you are going to get your device
unlocked without problem.

1. First you will switch of your Android

2. After switching of your android device,
press your up volume button and Press It
down .

3. Now press the power button and hold it
too along with the volume up button .

4. It will start a secret terminal interface .

5. Then press to use home button for scroll
up and down .

6. Then you will get to the choose option

7. Select the option and wait

8. Your device will take some time but after
it will restart and you will find out your
android device has been unlocked.
By following these instructions above you will
successfully unlock your android device .

These above method will help you unlock your
android phone which have been lock by
password or even the popular pattern lock
easily but NOTE by performing this method
you will loose all your contacts and everything
on your phone, everything will be back to
default as you bought the android device. I
hope you understand how to unlock
Android Pattern lock and password
easily .